Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top 10 Conservatives of the Decade.

Well, this will be little belly-laugh for your hangover, a top 10 list I can get behind. The (a confirmed conservative shill rag) has a list of the top ten conservatives of the decade.

Read on for a hefty dose of persecution paranoia and gag-reflex-inducing bit of self-righteous discrimination. And remember, they know what is good for you, not you. That's why God put them in positions of power and influence:

Clarence Thomas, courtesy of the Supreme Court
(obtained from, "The Trustworthy Encyclopedia," today published its list of the Ten Conservatives of the Decade. These are the ten men and women who, in the past ten years, had the greatest impact on American politics and attitudes, according to Andrew Schlafly, founder and chief administrator of Conservapedia.

The number-one Conservative of the Decade isClarence Thomas, Justice of the Supreme Court since 1992. Conservapedia contributors cite him for his opinions clarifying the Establishment Clause of the US Constitution, and holding that capital punishment is not "cruel or unusual" within the actual meaning of the Eighth Amendment. In addition, another senior administrator at Conservapedia described Thomas thus:

Thomas is a distinguished black jurist who understands that the Constitution is not a Ouija board, plus he can relate to Americans (RVing, raising a twelve year old). His silence at oral arguments indicates that he is more interested in what the people are saying, and he is a quiet force behind the scenes.

Schlafly went further:

For ten years he has withstood intense pressure to become more liberal in order to win the media accolades given to less accomplished men. With sincerity, insight, and good spirit, Justice Thomas has become an inspiration for a generation of Americans at a time when there seem to be few role models in public life. His autobiography, published in 2007, traces his path from the most humble roots to the pinnacle of power, and yet he never flinched from his principles as so many others in Washington do.

The immediate runners-up to Thomas were those who propounded, supported, voted for, and defended California's Proposition 8, the proposition declaring that California's constitution would recognize marriage as between one man and one woman, and not dignify any other combinations (man and man, woman and woman, man and animal, etc.) with the term "marriage." Proposition 8 set the so-called "homosexual agenda" back considerably, especially since at last Californians managed to so amend their Constitution and not have California's courts invalidate that amendment.

The full list of Conservatives of the Decade is as follows:

  1. Clarence Thomas
  2. Proposition 8 supporters
  3. Antonin Scalia (for his opinions supporting Rule of Law, the Second Amendment, and textualism)
  4. Sarah Palin (for advocating less government, standing up to inhuman liberal abuse, and opposing "death panels", er, "end of life counseling")
  5. Ron Paul (for advancing the vision of Barry Goldwater, mobilizing activism, and scrutinizing the Federal Reserve)
  6. Michele Bachmann (taking on liberals in the House, exposing the global currency, and winning in Al Franken's State)
  7. Dick Cheney (protecting America in a dangerous world, and standing up for others who do likewise)
  8. Samuel J. Alito (standing up to liberals during his confirmation hearings, and writing superb opinions soon afterward)
  9. Ann Coulter (taking it right to the liberals with courage and wit)
  10. Michelle Malkin (blogging across-the-board conservatism and speaking on college campuses)

In addition, Conservapedia remembers these famous conservatives who died in the decade just passed:

  1. Charlton Heston, who famously said, "Cold dead hands."
  2. Jerry Falwell, founder of Liberty University.
  3. Ronald Reagan, the fortieth President of the United States.
  4. Karol Cardinal Wojtyla, better known to history as Pope John Paul II.

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