Conscience of a Minority More Important Than That of Majority.
The U.S. bishops’ conference has concluded that all committee approved bills are seriously deficient on the issues of abortion and conscience, and do not provide adequate access to health care for immigrants and the poor. The bills will have to change or the bishops have pledged to oppose them.
AmericanPapist reported earlier today that an action item was sent late yesterday to all diocesan pro-life directors asking them to help disseminate bulletin inserts and pulpit announcements to every parish in their diocese.
Every bishop in the country has received the same request and also late yesterday, Helen Osman, Director of Communications for the USCCB, sent the same request to diocesan communications directors and made the inserts available as ads for diocesan papers. I have not seen this level of coordinated effort by the bishops’ conference in nearly 20 years of church work.
In response, the Vicar General and the Chancellor of the Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph sent the following to all pastors today:
In unison with the U.S. Bishops, Bishop Finn is urging all parishes to take part in a nationwide campaign to educate and advocate for health care reform that is consistent with Catholic social teaching. The USCCB has prepared parish bulletin announcements, pulpit announcements, and suggested prayers of the faithful to assist with this endeavor.
As you know, Bishop is out of the country. We spoke with him, and he is in agreement with this plan to engage our parishioners. With this message, we are forwarding the materials developed by the USCCB.
We encourage you to distribute the bulletin announcement on Sunday, November 1; otherwise, this must be accomplished by Sunday, November 8. We thank you for all that you do to carry on the work of God in our diocese.
Labels: abortion, aid in dying, catholic church, conscience clause, health care reform