Dear Readers,
I want to thank you for the steadfast support and encouragement you have given to over the last month.
We opened our October fundraising campaign not knowing what to expect, but hopeful that our faithful readers would give a shot in the arm with an additional $5,000 in donations above and beyond what we normally receive.
Thankfully, you responded to that call and I am pleased to tell you that we raised over $8,000 -- nearly doubling our anticipated goal. Whether large or small, the gifts you sent to us are a real blessing and none of them go unappreciated.
We also are moved beyond words to receive the emails you send thanking us for providing as a means of keeping hundreds of thousands of people informed about the latest pro-life news, information and action items. We can't always respond to every email or written note but know that they are all read word for word.
This month, as we attempt to arm as many pro-life people as possible with information about the pro-abortion health care bills pending in Congress, we are challenging you with a new goal.
And that is to help us take on our main opponent, our main nemesis or competition in the abortion news race.
As you probably know, there are several good news sources that provide pro-life news coverage. We don't regard our friends at places likeWorldNetDaily, CNS News, OneNewsNow or Lifesite as competition -- they are our much-needed partners because we have the same shared agenda of a commitment to protecting the inherent dignity of the unborn and others. In fact, I hope you receive some of their news as a supplement to the single-issue pro-life coverage we provide here at
No, apart frm the pro-abortion mainstream media, and pro-abortion web pages like Huffington Post and others our mail single-issue pro-abortion competition comes in the form of a pro-abortion "news" outlet that is more of an opinion blog, rant sheet, or forum for extreme pro-abortion activists: RH Reality Check.
You've seen us mention RHRC before and it is funded with hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions of dollars) by the pro-abortion and Ted Turner-created United Nations Foundation. It bills itself as a counter to the pro-life reporting of web sites like - which it frequently mentions and criticizes.
The site is popular with abortion advocates and often features opinion columns from the likes of Cecile Richards, Nancy Keenan and other members of the abortion industry.
While has little chance of keeping up with the funding RH Reality Check receives, we know that, with your help and support, we can out-hustle them.
According to Alexa, which ranks the hundreds of millions of web sites, led RH Reality Check in readership from its creation in mid 2008 through much of this year. However, the pro-abortion side has discovered this lone forum for pro-abortion news and information and RHRC now holds the lead.
After taking a week-long break in anticipation of the upcoming health care battles,'s ranking now stands at 77,138. That compares with RHRC's ranking of 69,716.
Our goal for the month of November is to eclipse RHRC every week and for the month overall -- enough to raise our ranking above our pro-abortion opponents.
Why does it matter?
The hallmark of the abortion battle is education and we have always known we have the truth on our side. The more people who are exposed to the truth of abortion and how it kills children and hurts women, the sooner we will be able to end this travesty. And on the flip-side, the more people who know about key abortion battles like the abortion funding in the health care bills, the better able we will be to stop abortion.
Frankly, the pro-life movement needs more people getting the truth from than reading the disinformation, lies and coverups over at RH Reality Check.
So how can you help us?
Below you will find a list of ways you can help promote and our pro-life news coverage to pro-life friends, family members, church members and people you may not even know.
Do one of these things, do all of them, do them every day. Sit and watch your favorite movie on the couch and help promote our news, make it a family competition, challenge your kids, your youth group -- whatever it takes.
At the end of the month, your hard work will ensure that more pro-life people are better informed to save babies from abortions now and will make sure more people are exposed to the truth about Planned Parenthood, Obama and their pro-abortion activist allies.
Thank you for your help and please understand that we don't seek your support for our own glory or accolades. This is an effort with the sole goal of educating more people against abortion than the other side does for it and getting as much information in the hands of pro-life people as possible so they can make a difference in their nation, state or community.
Again, thank you for your support last month and we look forward to making November one in which the pro-life sides outworks and outpaces our opponents: abortion and its enthusiastic supporters. Because lives literally hang in the balance.
For the unborn,
P.S. If you didn't get a chance to donate during our October fundraising campaign, simply send a gift to, P.O. Box 270814, Fort Collins, CO 80527 or click on the donation button on the left-hand side of our web site.
Ten Ways You can Help
1. Ask friends to sign up for free news from We offer a daily version ( and a twice-weekly version ( of our email news reports. Just ask your pro-life friends to go to those links to sign up.
2. Encourage your friends to follow us on Facebook or Twitter, where we provide the latest pro-life news and updates in real time. And share or re-tweet articles on those social networking web sites. Suggest as many friends as possible! Also, if you are active on other social networking platforms, email us about becoming a representative there.
3. Seed stories on sites like Digg, Reddit, Newsvine, or My Yahoo. We've provided an easy way to do this with the community links at the top of every news story.
4. Link to stories on your web site. Feel free to use a headline or a few paragraphs as a teaser and then link to the news article. You can also put headlines on your web site with the RSS Newsfeed.
5. Take a sign up sheet to your church or pro-life event. We've made a handy sign up sheet you can use to have pro-life folks sign up for our free news and mail back to us. Just email to request one or make your own and email or mail it to us.
6. Take advantage of the archives. Did you know that wel over 16,000 pro-life news articles are available If you're looking for an easy way to find information on pro-life topics, candidates, people, or subjects, use the search at the top of our web site. Just email us if you need help.
7. Mention in responses on your favorite blogs. We you respond to something, please include a link to a relevant story -- and you're welcome to quote from our news articles on blogs and forums
8. Ask your local Christian radio station to run the LifeNews Radio program. We have a two-minute program that features the top pro-life news stories every weekday. Ask your favorite station to contact us at and we can send them an audio sample to preview. There is no cost to run the program. We're also looking for Internet-based radio stations and programs to run LifeNews Radio, so let us know if you run one.
9. Have editor Steven Ertelt speak to your pregnancy center, pro-life group, conference or dinner. If you're looking for an exciting speaker to motivate your audience and encourage them to support your efforts, he can come and speak for much less than most other speakers. He can present a general message or speak on any pro-life topic. Contact for booking information.
10. Pray. We saved the best for last. We truly appreciate your prayers for that God will use this ministry to further the pro-life cause. So many of you write in and let us know you've been praying for us and we appreciate that more than you know!
Comments or questions? Email us at
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