Saturday, November 13, 2010

Joyous Days.

From my spam folder today:

Despite the fact that each of us will certainly die, there are few books written about death and dying, because these are considered "taboo" subjects best left in the shadows for as long as possible. Yet, it is important to think about death not only when the inevitable is near, but also before it closes in.

I am a scientist seeking to understand the nature of reality and, in this context, have published a book entitled "EXPLORING DEATH: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT DYING" which may be helpful to you. The first part of the book describes various aspects that are associated with the topics of death and dying, such as thinking about death, causes of death, death rituals, historical and unusual deaths, and the definition of death. In the middle section, evidence is presented strongly suggestive of the fact that you (your essence, your consciousness) survive the physical death of your body (pre-death experiences, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, ghostly phenomena, after-death communication). The last portion of the book discusses what may happen to you after your death.

"EXPLORING DEATH: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT DYING" is now available in both paperback at kindle formats at the following amazon.comwebpages:



Thinking and writing about this topic has helped me to overcome my own fear of death and, if you read my book, you may come to realize the following truth: "The day of your death is more joyous than the day of your birth".

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