PalliMed Arts & Humanities Notes the Best Blogs of the Month.
Labels: hospice, palliative care
Labels: hospice, palliative care
Labels: doctors
The Catholic Church led the fight in Maine against those seeking to reinvent marriage, and won: the vote was 53-47 to repeal the state’s gay marriage law. Bishop Richard Malone deserves credit for fighting against those who sought to restructure this vital institution. Those who favor the right of two men to marry are now 0 for 31 in the states. The people have spoken. The time has come for homosexuals to pack it in.
Those who champion gay marriage and abortion-on-demand lost in New Jersey and Virginia, posting more wins for Catholic values. Jon Corzine supports the right of two men to marry and is a radical on the question of abortion. Creigh Deeds is worse: he once opposed partial-birth abortion but later switched in favor of it; similarly, he said he was opposed to gay marriage but then campaigned against a state constitutional amendment to ban it. At least Corzine was honest. In any event, the defeat of Corzine and Deeds is a victory for marriage and children.
There is one piece of unfinished business: the defeat of health care legislation that forces the public to pay for the killing of children in utero, and eliminates conscience rights for doctors and nurses. The bishops have spoken clearly on this subject. While they want health care reform, and are especially vocal about the need to help the poor, they will not support any bill that funds abortion. Nor will they support any legislation that vitiates conscience rights. President Obama, who says he is opposed to any health care bill that funds abortion, and is against nixing conscience rights, has never once registered any displeasure with current bills that do just that. Deeds tried to fool the people, and look what happened to him—he got creamed.
It was a big night for Catholic values. Hope everyone gets the message.
The spin is contrived. Anyone watching the governors' races knows that the economy and poorly run campaigns were what caused Democrats to lose. That the election results point to a rise in "pro-life" attitudes across the country is just manipulating facts for the sake of ideological momentum.
Labels: health care reform, pro-life
Yet, Arthur Schafer skirts the hyperbole and writes for the Globe and Mail that legalization of the practice in other states and countries has proven otherwise.
Physician-assisted suicide has been legal in Oregon for 11 years and accounts for about one out of every thousand deaths a year. But, although it's not used often, one in six patients discusses this option with their family, and one in 50 raises it with their doctor. In other words, the safeguards appear to work. Few people opt for physician-assisted suicide, but many take comfort from the knowledge that, if their lives become unbearable, they can request – and be given – assistance to die.
Of course, as doctors sometimes acknowledge, euthanasia and assisted suicide are practised secretly in both the United States and Canada. Where these practices are illegal, they are practised in the dark and thus much more likely to result in mistakes and abuse.
Critics widely predicted that legalizing physician-assisted suicide would be a slippery slope to cutbacks in palliative care. Society would reason: Why offer expensive comfort care to suffering patients when it's cheaper to hasten their deaths? In practice, the opposite has occurred. Oregon legislation requires that dying patients be offered a full range of options, and the state has become a leader in palliative and end-of-life care.
One argument for legalizing assisted suicide considers the common practice of continuous deep sedation (CDS), often in the dark. Family members and doctors currently agree to sedate a dying patient who is extreme pain. Yet, this practice goes on without reporting primarily because doctors fear prosecution. Though CDS is legal in the US because the primary objective is to relieve pain, a shroud of secrecy now surrounds the practice. Because discussions regarding end of life pain treatment are not happening in the open, we know little about it.
Shafer rightly points out that in countries and states (Oregon) where assisted suicide is legal, the openness regarding end of life care and palliative treatment is revolutionizing care. Families, doctors, caregivers and society as a whole are able to discuss rational solutions to terminal and elder suffering. This open discourse and study which leads to advancements can only be a good thing for patients.
More: Canadian "pro-life" groups claim study reveals public confusion over issue.
Labels: assisted suicide, Canada