Strengthening the Advance Directive.
On Thursday, President Obama directed DHHS to promulgate regulations that would "guarantee that all patients' advance directives, such as durable powers of attorney and health care proxies, are respected, and that patients' representatives otherwise have the right to make informed decisions regarding patients' care."Now, hospitals already have statutory and common law duties to respect advance directives. Indeed, compliance is already required by the PSDA and regulations pursuant to the PSDA. If the new regulations are to add anything meaningful, perhaps they will mean that DHHS will (after two decades) actually enforce the PSDA.That would be a great benefit. In contrast, the effect of DHHS regulations on LGBT individuals seems far more limited. Sure, the risk of federal enforcement may chill some hospitals that ignore advance directives appointing LGBT partners. But most LGBT patients do not have advance directives. And LGBT partners are rarely recognized as authorized decision makers under default surrogate statutes. Therefore, since DHHS merely enforces compliance with state decision making law, most LGBT obstacles will remain. The real problem is with state law.
Labels: " discrimination, conscience clause, elder rights, end of life care, health care reform, patients' rights, provider refusals, women's rights